Yesterday I received a feature request via the chrome web store and today I added the requested improvements of the Journey Details feature as well as another improvement of the Expose Wait Activity Keys feature.
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If you want to automate goal attainment analyses like described in my last post, knowing the keys of your wait activities is crucial. Until now using your browsers inspect tool and checking out the HTML code was necessary. To ease this step I added another UI enhancement feature to the...
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Linking a certain share of a journey’s goal attainment to a specific email or path in a journey isn’t that easy out of the box. Therefore I added another feature to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Developer Tools Extension for Google Chrome. This feature provides a breakdown into goal attainment at...
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If you happen to have a use case where a subscriber runs through a journey multiple times and you want to check if the email has been opened you are going to have a hard time without knowing how engagement splits work in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
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Nowadays it’s all about being more productive and getting more work done. But a day only has 24 hours and you need to get some sleep and recreation too, right?! Some best practices are generally known but hard to realize especially when working in a tech job. But some are...
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Pretty often Marketing Cloud users ask questions about failed sends on Salesforce StackExchange and don’t even know about the Send Logging feature. Documentation regarding this is also very basic and some advanced features aren’t mentioned. This demonstrates that there is a need for a post that explains the few tweaks...
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